‘As the ancestors journeyed over the land, their actions gave it form, created the natural features such as rivers and ranges. The land they shaped is today occupied by their descendants.’

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Impressions - Flowing with the river

It is turning autumn. Time to let go.

A river makes its way like a human life.

In the beginning it emerges from the dark womb of the earth.

At times it is deep and still.

At times it widens and becomes shallow and faster. Superficial, but moving and flowing forward with speed.

Always growing.

Then contracting again, more depth.

Sometimes the plants of the depth reach the surface and illuminate and drink the light and air.

At times there are rapids.
Life is dangerous.
And there are obstacles to overcome.

Sometimes the view opens, sometimes it is overhung by trees.

At times full and powerful (voll und mächtig)

At times wide and uncrossable (weit und unüberquerbar)

At times deep and murky (tief und unergründbar)

At times quiet and stagnant

At times unstoppable and dangerous

And all-encompassing