‘As the ancestors journeyed over the land, their actions gave it form, created the natural features such as rivers and ranges. The land they shaped is today occupied by their descendants.’

Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 13 - Baths and Rainbows - Nearly the End

After a late night (thanks Juergen and Miranda!) we started in Richmond to a high tide. London is vast. Even after 5 hours of walking we only reached Chelsea!! I organised with Stephen to be picked up on a boat, but....I got the pier wrong. In the end he decided to dock it anyway. We had to jump the gates and it was awkward for the guys, as the pier wasn't sticking in far and the tide was moving out fast. It had to be a quick manoeuvre. We then flew down the river on an inflatable rib. It was stormy and lots of high waves. The theme for the journey was: Hold on tight!! We also got thoroughly drenched in Thames water (which tastes salty by this point, yuk), with a little extra help by the captain, we (the two girls at the front of the boat!) think.
We appreciated it, though, it was our first proper baptism to the river water. And what better place to do it, as at the end of the journey. We went to Greenwich and when we arrived back at St. Katharine's dock, a double rainbow came up just when were leaving the boat. An interesting omen for the end of the journey!
And as a topper we had a pint with 5 navy uniformed men at the Captain Kidd (a pub in front of where he was hanged for piracy). A great way to end the walk, wet and drunk and jolly.......

Second breakfast in Richmond

It was double, believe me!!

Wet poodles......